This old bike from 1931 has come up for sale here in West Sussex. The bike is in near all-round good condition with only detail needing attention if you thought it necessary.
I have used it a bit over the last few months and decided that it is not really usable enough for what I wanted it for.
The lights are not connected although there is output from the mag Dyno if you wanted to do that. The exhaust header to cylinder head thread is inclined to come undone so I have wired that on (see pictures). Its top speed is around 45-50 mph. Apart from that it is pretty much what you might expect.
If you are interested then do get in contact and ask as many questions as you like about the Sidecar Combination, extra pictures, details of wear and tear, viewing, paperwork or anything else you might be thinking about.
We also buy sidecars, please get in touch with us.